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L’uomo che si offrì volontario per Auschwitz [EN]

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Su suggerimento di Salsamerengue

Witold Pilecki è il nome dell’uomo che combatté sul campo contro i nazisti, prese parte alla Resistenza, si infiltrò in Auschwitz e ne fuggì, ma non poté scampare alla repressione comunista. Ne parla un articolo di Culture.pl

Right after being sentenced to death Pilecki said:

So they didn’t let anybody else off. I can’t live any more after what they’ve done to me. Auschwitz was just a trifle.

In 1990, when the new democratic government started to deal with the abuses of the previous regime, Pilecki and his comrades were rehabilitated. In 2006, he posthumously received the Order of the White Eagle – the highest Polish decoration.

Immagine: PD-Polish


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