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Il McDonald’s tiene unita la gente

48 commenti

Su suggerimento di @AleMeis

The Guardian ci porta a spasso per i McDonald’s dell’America povera: dai movimenti anti segregazione, alle serate bingo, ai gruppi di lettura della Bibbia, le minoranze usano il Mcdonald’s e qui si ritrovano per discutere e vivere insieme.
Le persone vengono attirate da pulizia e servizi e cibo a buon mercato; così i ristoranti non sono più solo una catena di junk food, ma un centro di aggregazione vero e proprio per tutti, anche per chi resta solo, per chi ha perso:

Most importantly though, McDonald’s provide many with the chance to make real and valuable connections. When faced with the greatest challenges, with a personal loss, wealthier Americans turn to expensive therapists, others without the resources or the availability, turn to each other.

When I asked Lew about her life, she started to tear up, stopped for a second, and composed herself. “Life is hard. Very hard. Seven years ago I lost my husband to leukemia. Then three years ago I lost one of my sons. Health complications from diabetes. When my son died, I had nobody to help me, emotionally, except this community here. Gerald lost his wife three years ago, and we have helped support each other through that.

She stopped again, unable to speak from tears. After a moment of silence: “I look composed on the outside. Many of us do. But I struggle a lot on the inside. This community here gives me the support to get by.”

Immagine da Wikimedia Commons.

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