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Perché dovremmo distruggere le Business School [EN]

16 commenti

Su suggerimento di @Ruzar Briffa.

Martin Parker critica sul Guardian il funzionamento delle Business School, accusandale di insegnare un’acritica aderenza al capitalismo contemporaneo e alla tecnocrazia, e ne invoca la chiusura.

If we educate our graduates in the inevitability of tooth-and-claw capitalism, it is hardly surprising that we end up with justifications for massive salary payments to people who take huge risks with other people’s money. If we teach that there is nothing else below the bottom line, then ideas about sustainability, diversity, responsibility and so on become mere decoration. The message that management research and teaching often provides is that capitalism is inevitable, and that the financial and legal techniques for running capitalism are a form of science. This combination of ideology and technocracy is what has made the business school into such an effective, and dangerous, institution.

Immagine da Pxhere.

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