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Perché non dovreste sventolare la bandiera arcobaleno su Facebook[EN]

164 commenti

Su suggerimento di @Mark2015
Dopo che la Corte Suprema degli Stati Uniti ha reso legali i matrimoni omosessuali, 26 milioni di utenti Facebook hanno dipinto il loro avatar con l’arcobaleno. Peter Moskowitz parla delle sue sensazioni al riguardo.

As a gay man, I worked through years of bullying in school and overcame self-consciousness, loneliness and depression. The rainbow flag became a symbol of acceptance and confidence as I found my place in the LGBT community. […]That’s why it wasn’t comforting to see hundreds of my Facebook friends’ profile pictures draped in rainbows. It didn’t feel like they were understanding my struggle; it felt like they were cheapening it, celebrating a victory they had no part in winning.


Immagine by Tony Webster [CC BY 2.0] via Flickr

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