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Qualcuno vuole bistecche stampate in 3D? Il surrogato alla prova dell’assaggio

Qualcuno vuole bistecche stampate in 3D? Il surrogato alla prova dell’assaggio

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Il Guardian pubblica un articolo che descrive una prova di assaggio di carne artificiale ottenuta in modo da imitare la consistenza e la composizione macroscopica della carne vera.

A costruirla l’azienda Redefine Meat, a cucinarla il ristorante Mr White’s a Londra.

Redefine Meat is cagey about which protein it uses …, but is delighted by its method: the “meat” is 3D printed, and the mimicry is extraordinary.

The molecules of difference that create the flavour of beef, as distinct from that of lamb, are few but extremely powerful. This is certainly the closest synthetic approximation yet. Ben Bartlett, a chef and barbecue expert, said: “I judge on taste, texture and appearance – I’ve had so many bland and dull plant products. Then suddenly this came along and I was marking them 9s and 10s.”

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