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Rilevare lo sguardo del pilota nei veicoli semiautonomi [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @s1m0n4

Christiaan Erik Rijnders, ex-ingegnere Ferrari e fondatore di Cogidis, start-up vincitrice del premio Horizon 2020, descrive la sua visione del futuro dei veicoli autonomi e semi-autonomi, la cui chiave di svolta sarà, secondo lui, un sistema di gaze-tracking e la sua capacità di assumere il ruolo di madre assillante, garantendo al conducente una visione dell’ambiente esterno ad un livello superiore.

Rijnders ripercorre anche la sua esperienza nella scuderia Ferrari, le lezioni che ha tratto e ribadisce l’importanza del processo decisionale, criticando l’attuale cultura delle start-up troppo improntata sulle soluzioni facili.

“You can’t do steady state approximations; you have to do something much more realistic. It’s really the dynamics and the fact that it’s a transient non-linear machine on the limit, and there aren’t two fractions of a second where the car is on the limit doing the same thing,” he explained. Working on new generations of algorithms that allowed accurate modeling of the car’s behavior on track left Rijnders with a realization that there was a similar need coming in image processing. “At that point with Cogisen, we started working on applying these things to image processing, like detecting pedestrians, detecting where you’re looking at without the use of extra hardware. Very difficult non-linear problems. And to develop these things, I applied the same techniques I learned at Ferrari,” he said.


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