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Ritratto di un generale [EN]

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Un articolo dell’Intercept basato su documenti dell’intelligence iraniana propone un suo ritratto del generale Suleimani, del suo operato in Iraq e della sua posizione all’interno delle forze armate iraniane

The reports reveal how Suleimani was perceived in some corners of the Iranian intelligence establishment, and the picture that emerges does not always align with the carefully crafted public image of the general as an indomitable strategist. While the Iranian-led war against ISIS was raging, Iranian spies privately expressed concern that the brutal tactics favored by Suleimani and his Iraqi proxies were laying the groundwork for major blowback against the Iranian presence in Iraq. Suleimani was also criticized for his own alleged self-promotion amid the fighting. Photos of the Iranian commander on battlefields across Iraq had helped build his image as an iconic military leader. But that outsized image was also turning him into a figure of terror for many ordinary Iraqis.

Immagine da Wikimedia.

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