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Stimoli sovranormali [EN]

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Un articolo di Sparring Mind descrive la teoria degli stimoli sovranormali elaborata dall’etologo Nikolaas Tinbergen per spiegare come la risposta di alcune specie di animali davanti a stimoli artificiali sia più forte rispetto a quella derivante da uno stimolo naturale.

Nikolaas Tinbergen, a Nobel Prize winning ethologist, is the father of the term supernormal stimuli. As noted:

He constructed plaster eggs to see which a bird preferred to sit on, finding that they would select those that were larger, had more defined markings, or more saturated color—a dayglo-bright one with black polka dots would be selected over the bird’s own pale, dappled eggs.
He found that territorial male stickleback fish would attack a wooden fish model more vigorously than a real male if its underside was redder.
He constructed cardboard dummy butterflies with more defined markings that male butterflies would try to mate with in preference to real females.

Secondo l’autore, l’abbondanza di informazione e stimoli mediata da internet e social media è classificabile come stimolo sovranormale, elencando le evidenze a favore del fatto che l’esposizione continua a questi stimoli sia alla base di problemi come dipendenza, depressione ed erosione delle capacità di concentrazione


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