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Titania McGrath getta la maschera [EN]

Titania McGrath getta la maschera [EN]

5 commenti

A cura di @Apollyon.

Un articolo del Telegraph racconta la storia di come un account twitter satirico creato per prendere in giro la sinistra identitaria, sia stato scambiato per una persona reale, abbia velocemente ammassato più di 180.000 followers e ottenuto un’intervista su The Spectator

When a former Oxford University postgraduate student set up a satirical Twitter account in April 2018 under the name of Titania McGrath, he had no idea of the social media storm that was to follow.
Aiming to poke fun at the “identitarian left” who use “vicious tactics to push identity politics above all else”, the parody account quickly amassed over 180,000 social media followers.
After months of speculation, the individual behind it can finally be revealed – as a 40-year-old former private school teacher with a doctorate in Early Renaissance Poetry from Wadham College, Oxford.
Describing Titania McGrath as “a militant vegan who thinks she is a better poet than William Shakespeare”, Mr Doyle told The Telegraph: “Woke is the concept that everything must be inclusive, inoffensive, that you always use the correct language and that you must be hyper aware of other people’s sensitivities

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