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Trasportando scorte con il battaglione Dudayev [EN]

Trasportando scorte con il battaglione Dudayev [EN]

16 commenti

Su suggerimento di @Equo Canone.


Le notizie dall’Ucraina parlano sempre più del riavvio della guerra. Un video di Vice News su Adam Osmyev e il battaglione Dudayev: un gruppo di volontari separatisti pro-Russia nella regione del Donbass.

Qui una parte della descrizione di Vice News:

In Ukraine, some Chechens that never abandoned the struggle against the Russian military back home are now fighting against the separatists, using their battlefield experience to help the Ukrainians defend their homeland.  […] Osmayev was arrested in Ukraine in 2011 and accused of plotting to assassinate Putin. He managed to avoid being extradited to Russia and was recently released from prison in November.

After securing his freedom, Osmayev traveled to eastern Ukraine to join the Dudayev Battalion, a volunteer group created by former Chechen guerrilla fighter Isa Munayev to fight pro-Russia separatists in the Donbass region.

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