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Two private jets but I’m middle class, says Germany’s ‘anti-Merkel’

Two private jets but I’m middle class, says Germany’s ‘anti-Merkel’

7 commenti

A cura di @Perodatrent

Come spiega un articolo del Guardian, Friedrich Merz, uno dei concorrenti al posto di segretario della CDU (la Democrazia Cristiana tedesca) ora occupato da Angela Merkel, viene criticato per essersi definito rappresentante della classe media, nonostante possa permettersi due jet privati.

Angela Merkel aveva coltivato una immagine di morigeratezza e risparmio, che era gradita ai tedeschi.

We’ve tried since the war to build up a middle-class-oriented, well-structured society in which one can be successful but remain transparent. The very rich people or big companies are somehow just not trusted. It’s rather absurd, but it belongs to our psychological DNA.”

Merz tenta di giustificarsi,

arguing that the term (middle class) related more to moral values than monetary ones. “For me the middle class is not a purely economic realm,” he said. “From my parents I learned the values which characterise the middle class, including hard work, discipline, decency, respect and the knowledge that one gives something back to society if one can afford it. If I think of upper class or elite, I think of people who have inherited money or a company and enjoy their life as a result of that. That’s not the case with me.”


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