La mucca è caduta ma non è morta

La protezione dei dati su internet

12 Commenti

Su suggerimento di @sguenz.

La capacitá di analisi dei dati raccolti attraverso applicazioni per smartphone e ricerche su internet è in continua espansione. In particolare alcuni Stati possono ambire a scovare cellule terroristiche e Google a capire i picchi influenzali. Fino a che punto siete disposti a condividere i vostri dati personali? Un esperto in data collection, Bruce Schneier, ha scritto “Data and Goliath”, che è molto utile per discutere sul tema, partendo soprattutto dalla NSA.

Mr Schneier sees worrisome changes to the way surveillance has been conducted since the attacks of September 11th 2001. First, the modern security threat comes more from groups and individuals rather than states, so the surveillance target is the public, not governments. Second, the fact that different people’s internet traffic travels along the same wires means that tapping one person entails collecting data from others at the same time. Third, advances in technology render obsolete many of the assumptions that have underpinned the rules governing surveillance.


Dai commenti:

@Sguenz segnala un caso arrivato alla Corte europea di giustizia:

an Austrian PhD student and privacy activist, in which he challenged the legality of a decision by the Irish Data Protection Commissioner (“DPC”), the respondent, not to investigate his claims relating to data transfers to the US by Facebook. Facebook’s US data transfers are based on its membership in the Safe Harbor, a self-regulatory scheme that is enforced by the US Federal Trade Commission. The European Commission found in a formal decision issued in 2000 that the Safe Harbor provides “adequate protection” under Article 25 of the Directive, but Schrems contests this conclusion because of widespread data access by US intelligence services.

In più, analizza la questione secondo una scelta tra «priorità e bilanciamento».


Immagine CC BY 2.0 di Aktionsbündnis Freiheit statt Angst da Wikimedia Commons

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