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Senza denaro contante, geopolitica e privacy [EN]

27 commenti

Su suggerimento di @HugoFiala.


Quali sono i rischi di una società senza denaro liquido? Jem Bendell ne elenca diversi di natura per lo più etica e politica e non strettamente tecnica: dalla questione della privacy a quella delle pratiche anti-competitive (Visa e Mastercard, per esempio, coprono l’80 per cento delle transazioni mondiali via carte di credito).

Whether or not you like Wikileaks, Iran or Russia, the transformation of payments systems into weapons of geopolitics is a crucial issue. It has legal ramifications because such moves can be illegal under existing national and international laws. That’s why the US government has sought to normalise its actions by issuing an executive order authorising it to ‘block the property’ of any foreign entity involved in, or benefiting from, online activities it deems contrary to US interests.

This raises a political dilemma: should governments be able to disrupt organisations’ financial operations so easily? What does it mean for international relations when such a weapon lies in the hands of just a small group of countries?


Immagine CC BY 2.0 di Sean MacEntee da flickr

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