un sito di notizie, fatto dai commentatori

Avete mai letto le condizioni d’uso di un programma?

13 commenti

Su suggerimento di @GiMa.
Qui c’è un sito che riassume questi documenti molto bene e molto chiaramente.

The rough idea behind ToS;DR emerged during the 2011 Chaos Communication Camp near Berlin, with people from Unhosted a movement to create web apps that give users control over their valuable user data and privacy. Since June 2012, Hugo Roy (@hugoroyd) has taken the lead for the project, and started the legal analysis. Ultimately, all the work is transparent and the discussions happen in public. Our work is funded by non-profits organisations and individual donations and gets released as free software and open data.

Immagine CC BY-SA 2.0 di Wesley Fryer da flickr

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