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Brexit e la questione irlandese [EN]

Brexit e la questione irlandese [EN]

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A cura di @francisco quintay.

Secondo le linee guida della UE sul negoziato tra UE e UK per la Brexit, la questione del confine tra Eire e Irlanda del Nord è uno dei temi chiave da affrontare, nell’ottica di non pregiudicare gli accordi che hanno portato alla sospensione del conflitto nord-irlandese.

La questione sta già suscitando asprezze tra Eire e UK: in questo articolo si sostiene la tesi che la Brexit renderà inevitabile la riunificazione

A perfect storm has been brewing for years, with decades of anti-Tory sentiment (and more recently anti-Brexit angst) and unionist incompetence all making reunification more attractive. This Conservative Government, under both Theresa May and David Cameron, has turned a blind eye to politics in Northern Ireland. This was epitomised in the Brexit campaign, during which Northern Ireland was scarcely mentioned despite being the only part of the UK which shares a land border with another EU country. The Leave campaign also appeared to have no knowledge of or interest in what would happen to the border between North and South of Ireland should the referendum result go their way.

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