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Come mitigare la crisi dei rifugiati [EN]

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A cura di La2Pa.

All’interno della nuova serie dell’economist Open Future (qui la lettera dell’editor che spiega il progetto), Angelina Jolie affronta la questione globale dei rifugiati:

The number of refugees worldwide has climbed for six consecutive years. […] It is not surprising that there is deep public concern: not because people are heartless, but because this is not a sustainable situation. […] Let’s look at the bare facts.

First, 85% of all refugees and displaced people live in low and middle-income countries. […]

Second, […] the billions of humanitarian aid provided annually do not come close to meeting the needs of 68m displaced people […]

Third, as many as two-thirds of all the refugees under UNHCR’s mandate come from just five countries: Syria, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Myanmar and Somalia. Peace in any one of those five countries, creating the conditions for people to return home, would bring the numbers of refugees worldwide down by millions. That is what we should be pressing our politicians on as voters: challenging them to answer how their policies address the root of the problem. […]

We should not leave the debate to those who would exploit public anxiety for political advantage. We are being tested today and our response will be the measure of our humanity.

Immagine da Flickr.


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