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Dentro gli ospedali psichiatrici venezuelani [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @luigia

In un reportage fotografico di  New York Times si racconta la situazione estrema degli ospedali psichiatrici venezuelani, in condizioni di scarsità totale di cibo e medicinali.

The glue that keeps this hospital in order – the sedatives, tranquilizers and medications – is nearly all gone. In courtyards, women who are functional while medicated are now curled on the floor hallucinating, crying, screaming, rocking back and forth for hours. The doctors and nurses here are aghast at what is taking place, caught between anger and feelings of helplessness. The nursing staff debates daily: Who gets the few remaining pills? Who is the most unstable, or suffering the most? They reduce doses, doling out pills into small metal cups with the fluidity of Las Vegas casino dealers.

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