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Disforia di genere e peer pressure: un legame? [EN]

Disforia di genere e peer pressure: un legame? [EN]

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A cura di @D.

Un articolo del Telegraph riporta il dibattito negli USA circa i risultati di uno studio che attribuirebbe l’incremento di casi di disforia di genere degli ultimi anni alla pressione sociale.

Brown University has removed research from its website which hypothesised that teenagers who came out as transgender were more likely to have friends who were transitioning and were influenced by YouTube videos and social media.
Academics accused the university of bowing to pressure from activists after it removed a news article and link to Lisa Littman’s research. A tweet promoting the paper has also been deleted.
The research concluded “social and peer contagion” was a plausible explanation for “cluster outbreaks” and a high number of cases where the majority of children in a friendship group became “transgender-identified”.

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