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First Female Architect, but No One Really Gave a Damn

25 commenti

Sul sito MessyNessy Louise McNutt ci racconta in un articolo ricco di fotografie la storia di Marion Mahony Griffin, una delle primissime architette laureate, che è stata colpevolmente dimenticata.

You would think that being Frank Lloyd Wright’s earliest protégé; the woman behind so many of most of the iconic drawings to come out of his practice; might just give you a leg up in the world. So how is it that the legacy of one of the first women to become a licensed architect in the world can so easily be erased from history, her story condensed down into a mere footnote, clumsily attached to the work of her male partners? The work of Marion Mahony Griffin is still present across America and Australia, but the woman behind the architecture has been given little of the attention that she deserves.

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