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Gli attivisti devono smettere di importunare gli scienziati [EN]

Gli attivisti devono smettere di importunare gli scienziati [EN]

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A cura di @Apollyon.

Un articolo di Quillette espone il problema delle interferenze dell’attivismo politico con la ricerca e le sue implicazioni per il mondo accademico.

Is this the end of the era of factual, scientific inquiry? In today’s labs, the line between affirmative action and ideological harassment is vanishingly thin. But prioritising scientists who have the correct opinions and tick the right identity boxes rather than because of the quality of their research can lead to real persecution.

“At the moment I prefer to stay anonymous,” explains an astrophysicist. “I am not proud of this, but I have to eat, and I am also responsible for the research opportunities of my students and my postdocs.” He hadn’t killed anyone. Rather, he had just chosen to move from Australia, the country where he earned his degrees and spent most of his career, to China. Why? Because, as a researcher, he has more freedom in China.

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