un sito di notizie, fatto dai commentatori

I media cinesi e americani parlano della “profonda rivoluzione” imposta da Xi ai mercati finanziari cinesi

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Asia Financial riporta le notizie provenienti dai media controllati dallo stato cinese sugli interventi del governo locale nei mercati finanziari, che hanno fatto abbassare di parecchio le quotazioni in borsa di aziende cinesi.

Secondo le veline i commenti dei media cinesi queste azioni sono una profonda rivoluzione che è diretta a riportare il paese verso il socialismo.

“This change will bring new weather to our society,’’ the commentary said. “This is a return from the capital group to the masses of the people, and this is a transformation from capital-centered to people-centered.’’

Secondo analisti consultati dal giornale, la crescita economica cinese non dovrebbe soffrire a causa di questi provvedimenti.

Today’s commentary in China’s state media said the policy shift that’s underway was also made to cope with “the current severe and complicated international situation” and because of “savage attacks on China’’ by the US.

News and public opinion would no longer “worship Western culture,’’ it said. “Everyone can feel that a deep social change has begun,’’ it added.

Della stessa situazione parla anche Bloomberg News:

The Caribbean footholds, essentially leased mailing addresses, have no operational value but have made it easier for Chinese unicorns to attract European and American investors. They’ve been a bridge between East and West, a sunny symbol of the freewheeling capitalism tolerated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) as the cost of allowing its homegrown juggernauts to compete with their U.S. counterparts. DiDi’s presence there was needed for it to go public on the New York Stock Exchange on June 30. Chinese companies saw multiple benefits to gaining access to the U.S.

Questo scelte dimostrano un cambiamento drastico da parte del partito:

Since the late 1990s, China has emulated Silicon Valley’s approach to innovation. Aided by Western capital and a generation of Elon Musk-like entrepreneurs—many educated overseas—the country saw Chinese versions of EBay and Amazon (Alibaba), AOL and Facebook (Tencent), and Google (Baidu) rocket to success while the government took a permissive approach to their behavior and largely protected them from U.S. competitors.

China’s biggest tech companies periodically forced smaller competitors to integrate with their platforms or pressured them to sell out. Ma and other titans became cultural rock stars. He even started dressing like a rock star at raucous Alibaba events, complete with a mohawk wig and leather jacket and guitar, and became vocal about societal issues.

Some see the crackdown on Alibaba and DiDi—along with actions against dozens of other tech companies—as long overdue.

Anche il podcast The Indicator (NPR) affronta questo argomento, dialogando con Angela Zhang, l’autrice del libro “Chinese Antitrust Exceptionalism”:

And to tell the story of Chinese antitrust, we wanted to focus on one company. So we chose this Chinese tech giant called Meituan. It’s kind of like a super app, sort of like the Chinese equivalent of DoorDash, Yelp, Airbnb all rolled into one.

Immagine da Flickr.

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