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Il Darwinismo si evolve (EN)

22 commenti

Su suggerimento di @corrado.

La presentazione di un libro dove l’autore Greg Graffin, paleontologo e biologo (oltre che cantante dei Bad Religion), analizza come la teoria dell’evoluzione vada sviluppata in base alle nuove scoperte. In particolare, le nuove scoperte sembrano scardinare le teorie del “darwinismo sociale”.

But deeply important to all of science — something that Carl Sagan talked about, something that my adviser William Provine talked a lot about — are the implications of science, the human and social implications of all this information. Let’s face it: Our community, our social connections, are really all that matters. It’s this realm of social connectivity that we must come to terms with in order to get along with all the other populations on the planet.

Immagine “13-08-10 Taubertal Bad Religion Greg Graffin 5” di Antje Naumann (AllSystemsRed) – Opera propria. Con licenza CC BY-SA 3.0 tramite Wikimedia Commons

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