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Il problema di una app anticoncezionale [EN]

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A cura di @Perodatrent.

Una donna racconta al Guardian il problema causato dall’uso troppo fiducioso nel funzionamento di una app come anticoncezionale, creata da una coppia di coniugi che lavorano al CERN:

“We both had PhDs in physics and were working at Cern, dealing with messy, fluctuating data, trying to look for the Higgs boson, which is basically looking for a signal amid noise. We started applying the same statistical methods to pinpoint my wife’s ovulation amid her varying temperatures. We read up on the literature and developed an algorithm which our colleagues started using, too. We were running it on the Cern servers and then using Google spreadsheets. We saw it as an unmet need. There was a lack of choice and we wanted to innovate in an important field.”

Immagine da geektime.


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