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Il ritorno della città stato [EN]

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A cura di @GiMa.

Jamie Bartlett, direttore del Centre for the Analysis of Social Media del think-tank Demos a Londra, prevede in un articolo su Aeon il ritorno delle città stato, dovuto sopratutto alle carenze che gli stati nazionali trovano nel dare risposte ai popoli in questo periodo storico:

If you’d been born 1,500 years ago in southern Europe, you’d have been convinced that the Roman empire would last forever. It had, after all, been around for 1,000 years. And yet, following a period of economic and military decline, it fell apart. By 476 CE it was gone. To the people living under the mighty empire, these events must have been unthinkable. Just as they must have been for those living through the collapse of the Pharaoh’s rule or Christendom or the Ancien Régime.

We are just as deluded that our model of living in ‘countries’ is inevitable and eternal. Yes, there are dictatorships and democracies, but the whole world is made up of nation-states. This means a blend of ‘nation’ (people with common attributes and characteristics) and ‘state’ (an organised political system with sovereignty over a defined space, with borders agreed by other nation-states). Try to imagine a world without countries – you can’t. Our sense of who we are, our loyalties, our rights and obligations, are bound up in them.

Immagine da Wikimedia.

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