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Islam e femminismo [EN]

81 commenti

Su suggerimento di @Unit.

Su Al-Islam.org vengono presentati degli scritti risalenti agli anni ’90 del filosofo musulmano Gary Carl (Muhammad) Legenhausen su diversi argomenti di rilevanza nell’islam contemporaneo, tra i quali troviamo un pezzo sulla relazione tra Islam e femminismo intitolato Islam Vs Feminism:

Although Islam and feminism are not completely without common ground, the values and principles of Islam and feminism are generally contrary. Both condemn the oppression of women. Both insist that women may own their own property and dispose of it as they wish. In theology, both reject the symbol of ‘Father’ for God.

However, the feminist view that patriarchy is equivalent to the oppression of women is not compatible with Islam. The feminist idea that traditional gender roles are to be eliminated is opposed by the Islamic idea that the primary role of woman (after that of servant of God) is that of wife and mother.

Theologically, while feminists view the divine as ‘Mother and Father’ or as goddess, Islam considers the parent metaphor inappropriate for divinity and categorically denies the existence of gods and goddesses.

Sul ruolo, la figura e i diritti della donna nelle società musulmane è disponibile uno studio del Pew Research Center.



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