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Jerry Hopkins, biografo di rockstar, è morto ad 82 anni [EN]

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A cura di NedCuttle21(Ulm)

Sul New York Times, il ricordo di Richard Sandomir del giornalista e scrittore statunitense Jerry Hopkins, biografo di diverse rockstar ma soprattutto di Jim Morrison, morto lo scorso 3 giugno all’età di 82 anni.

Jerry Hopkins, a first-generation music writer for Rolling Stone magazine whose many books included biographies of Jim Morrison, Elvis Presley and Jimi Hendrix — as well as a memoir of his affair with a transgender prostitute — died on June 3 in a hospital in Bangkok. He was 82.

His son, Nick, said the cause was heart failure.

Mr. Hopkins produced an eclectic range of work that was largely about rock music but that also included books and articles about exotic food, sex, travel and Hawaiian musical instruments.

But his most famous subject was undoubtedly Jim Morrison, who rose to fame as the charismatic lead singer of the Doors and was only 27 when he died in Paris in 1971.

“Morrison was the most interesting of all the rock stars I met because he was the best conversationalist,” Mr. Hopkins told Post Magazine, published by The South China Morning Post, in 2013. “Something I always had trouble with at Rolling Stone was that I was interviewing people whose avenue of communication was singing or playing an instrument. Why should anyone expect them to have a political opinion worth listening to?”

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