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La famiglia che sul dolore costruì un impero [EN]

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A cura di @luigia.

In questo articolo del New Yorker si racconta della famiglia Sackler e dell’industria farmaceutica ritenuta principale responsabile della cosiddetta crisi degli oppioidi in USA, ovvero l’aumento di fenomeni di abuso e dipendenza causata dall’uso massiccio di antidolorifici narcotici.

Purdue launched OxyContin with a marketing campaign that attempted to counter this attitude and change the prescribing habits of doctors. The company funded research and paid doctors to make the case that concerns about opioid addiction were overblown, and that OxyContin could safely treat an ever-wider range of maladies. Sales representatives marketed OxyContin as a product “to start with and to stay with.” Millions of patients found the drug to be a vital salve for excruciating pain. But many others grew so hooked on it that, between doses, they experienced debilitating withdrawal.

Immagine da Wikipedia.


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