Un sito di notizie, fatto dai commentatori

Le automobili elettriche e gli incidenti che coinvolgono i pedoni

358 commenti

Il Guardian riporta i risultati di uno studio degli incidenti tra automobili e pedoni e li commenta con altri studi e pareri di esperti.

A parità di chilometri percorsi, le auto elettriche sono coinvolte in un maggior numero di incidenti con i pedoni rispetto alle auto a motore termico.

Why eco-friendly cars are more hazardous is unclear, but researchers suspect a number of factors are to blame. Drivers of electric cars tend to be younger and less experienced, and the vehicles are much quieter than cars with combustion engines, making them harder to hear, especially in towns and cities…

… But a difficulty in hearing electric cars is not the only problem. Electric cars tend to have swift acceleration and are usually much heavier, with some weighing twice their petrol equivalent, making stopping distances longer.


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