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Libra, la “crypto di Facebook” [EN]

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A cura di @werner58

David Gerard, esperto e critico del mondo delle criptovalute, analizza per Foreign Policy il nuovo strumento finanziario annunciato da Facebook, “Libra”. Anch’esso è stato definito una criptovaluta, ma secondo Gerard ha poco a che fare tecnicamente con Bitcoin o Ethereum — una comunanza si può invece trovare sul piano ideologico.

Markus Ferber, a German member of the European Parliament, warned that Libra could become a “shadow bank” — which is its explicit ambition. Shadow banking is the creation of money as credit but outside the usual regulation of banking. Shadow banks tend to play fast and loose, because that’s their competitive advantage. This leads to problems if shadow banking gets big enough to be a systemic risk


— Immagine da Flickr

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