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L’Italia è in guai molto più seri di quanto l’Europa non voglia ammettere [EN]

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Wolfgang Münchau, giornalista del Financial Times, pubblica un articolo sull’Irish Times esprimendo forte preoccupazione per la situazione finanziaria italiana.

Secondo l’autore, alla fine del Great Lockdown il rapporto debito/PIL  sara’ salito al 180%  e ci saranno tre possibili scenari:

“My expectation for this week’s virtual meeting of EU leaders is a compromise on a restructuring fund. Once the applause fades and people look at the details, they will realise it will have no macroeconomic relevance.

[…] The only available instrument left for the ECB to deploy is former president Mario Draghi’s “outright monetary transactions (OMT)”– the never-launched programme that will forever be associated with his 2012 promise to “do whatever it takes” to save the euro zone.

[…] This would allow the ECB to undertake unlimited purchases of Italian debt, but only if Italy applies to the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) for an enhanced conditions credit line.

[…] Another course is for Italy to default, or seek a debt restructuring.

[…] Finally, there is always the spectre of a euro zone exit.”

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