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Migrazioni, demografia e vita sociale di città e stati americani

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Su YouTube son presenti numerosi video in cui vengono sviscerati, tramite elenchi e classifiche, motivi/cause di migrazioni interne agli Stati Uniti d’America, siano queste degrado sociale, cambiamenti climatici o condizioni economiche peggiori. Curioso vedere come stati considerati templi del sogno americano in Europa o, ancor meglio, nel resto del mondo, come la California o New York ne escano in cattiva luce, evidenziando un declino lento ma costante e una cattiva reputazione da parte degli altri americani.

Nel primo video, dal canale “Unboxing America” di Nick Johnson, visitiamo i 10 ghetti più pericolosi degli Stati Uniti:

In this video, I’m going to run through the WORST ghetto hoods I’ve visited. These are all places where areas are rundown and neglected, where the crime is really high and people are poor. Now in MY opinion, the worst hoods are all in the northeast. Sure, the west coast has rundown areas, but the west coast is much more new, so the hoods don’t have that grimy, gritty rundown look. Midwest hoods look really bad, and southern hoods have large areas where there are clearly a lot of issues.

Sempre Nick Johnson in un video del dicembre 2020 racconta il fenomeno dei senzatetto di Los Angeles, che ha raggiunto livelli senza precedenti durante la pandemia:

Just on the outskirts of downtown Los Angeles are open air markets, many of them catering to the hispanic population. You can buy everything from pinatas to knock off blankets and t-shirts to produce in these markets. There were also many open air, and possibly unauthorized food stands on both sides of the road. Odds are the tacos are tremendous, although, potentially dangerous due to probable health code violations. It may seem like the homeless issue in many cities in the US has grown by quite a bit, but that’s only in major cities. Overall, the number of homeless people in our nation has ticked down – by about 14% in the last ten years. However, in Los Angeles, it’s risen by 75% in the last six years, and now, there are an estimated 36,000 homeless people here. Part of that is because of the warm weather. Part of that is California politicians pandering to the homeless. Of course, drugs and addictions are a big part of it. And for many homeless in California, it’s a lifestyle. Many also blame the LA homeless problem on the high cost of living, though most of those pushed out of their homes live in their vehicles or in motel rooms.

Il Canale From Here To There esamina i 10 Stati Americani interessati da fenomeni di migrazione interna 2.

In order to determine which US states everyone is moving to, (and leaving), we solely looked at what percent of total moves in each state were outbound vs inbound migration. In order to determine the Fastest Growing (and Shrinking) States, we would also look at natural population increase / decrease and international immigration, but that’s for another video. While you probably heard of a mass California exodus and people leaving New York for Texas or Florida, there are also a quite few surprises on this list! Why do so many Americans want to move to some of the best and cheapest states for 2022 (with many being very tax-friendly with TONS of nature)? Well, it’s cause they’re some of the best places to live in the United States!


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