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Nicolas Cage può spiegare tutto [EN]

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In una lunga intervista a cura di Gabriella Paiella pubblicata su GQ, l’attore statunitense Nicolas Cage ci accompagna in un viaggio nel suo stravagante universo – popolato di animali particolari e curiosi arredi – raccontandoci, tra le altre cose, dell’intenso rapporto col suo defunto padre, del suo eccentrico personaggio nell’immaginario collettivo, della rovina finanziaria causata da sfrenati investimenti immobiliari, dei suoi nuovi progetti e della recente uscita dall’inferno dei debiti.

Fifteen minutes from the Las Vegas Strip, into a tranquil gated community, up a red-brick driveway, past the palm trees that touch the Mojave Desert sky, through the veil that separates the astral plane, and here he is: the man they say gained and lost a $150 million fortune; who owned castles in Europe and the most haunted house in America and the Shah of Iran’s Lamborghini and two albino king cobras and a rare two-headed snake; who had to return his prized dinosaur skull upon learning it was stolen from Mongolia; who went on an epic quest for the actual Holy Grail; and who—when his singular, fantastical life eventually comes to an end—will be laid to eternal rest in a colossal white pyramid tomb in New Orleans.

Nicolas Cage greets me at his door, wearing a kung fu suit.

“This is my Wing Chun kung fu suit,” he explains, waving me in and handing me a mug of coffee. “I studied with my sifu, Jim Lau, when I was 12 years old, because I was a big Bruce Lee fan. And so it’s like my uniform to relax in.”

His voice is a low, contemplative drawl that imbues every word with a sense of philosophical magnitude. To hear Nicolas Cage state an opinion about his preferred loungewear is to hear anyone else reflect on the cosmos.

In questo video, Nicholas Cage visita sotto mentite spoglie il subreddit creato dai suoi fan – chiamato r/OneTrueGod – e risponde ad alcune delle discussioni in corso.

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