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Quali sono i paesi più “tourist-friendly”?

Quali sono i paesi più “tourist-friendly”?

31 Commenti

A cura di @Lowresolution.

Ogni anno il World Economic forum pubblica un rapporto sulla competitività dei sistemi turistici dei vari paesi nel mondo, ben approfondito e dettagliato e molto seguito nel settore. Il rapporto 2017 non porta buone notizie per l’Italia. In cima alla classifica ci sono nell’ordine Spagna, Francia, Germania, Giappone, Regno Unito, Stati Uniti, Australia e finalmente all’ottavo posto l’Italia.

La parte rapporto che parla dell’Italia conferma che malgrado il nostro paese ospiti una ricchezza eccezionale in termini di bellezze paesaggistiche, storiche e culturali, resta indietro su vari punti cruciali propri del business del turismo: infrastrutture, burocrazia e una confusa strategia marketing.

Italy remains in 8th position globally. The country’s travel and tourism competitiveness is driven by its exceptional cultural (5th) and natural resources (12th) and world-class tourism infrastructure (11th), which continue to attract international tourists. There have been improvements, too, in ground infrastructure (22nd, up 10 places). Human resources are more qualified and easier to manage (67th, up 8), and prices are more competitive (124th, up 9 places). However, the prioritization of the T&T sector has dipped (75th, down 10 places), due to lower commitment from the government (74th) and weaker brand strategy (75th). Safety and security has also deteriorated (70th, down 22 places), driven by lower perceptions of the reliability of the police and greater fear of terrorism and crime. The business environment remains weak (121st), with virtually no progress on the slow administrative procedures regarding construction permits (114th), the inefficient legal framework (134th) and business taxation (125th). Going forward, it will important for Italy to continue reinforcing its competitiveness and sectoral productivity to bring about development and growth through its T&T sector.



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