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Una chiesa in Oregon ricorre in giudizio contro il municipio che le proibisce di dare pasti gratis 6 giorni a settimana.

Una chiesa in Oregon ricorre in giudizio contro il municipio che le proibisce di dare pasti gratis 6 giorni a settimana.

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NPR riporta una notizia (collegamento alternativo) dall’Oregon, dove ad una chiesa locale è stato imposto di offrire pasti gratuiti solo due volte a settimana invece di sei.

La disposizione arriva dal consiglio comunale, un punto di equilibrio rispetto alle richieste di alcuni residenti, infastiditi dalla confusione e dalle intrusioni nelle proprietà.

… At one point, the city asked St. Timothy’s to allow people who needed to sleep in their cars to use its parking lot, and the church agreed, the filing says…

… the church said it took legal action against Brookings because it said the ordinance violates congregants’ “free expression of their Christian faith, which calls them to serve others in need.” The church said it has not applied for a permit as required under the new ordinance.

Bishop Diana Akiyama … said she supports the church and its efforts to provide free meals for those who need them.

“The parishioners of St. Timothy’s are obeying the teachings of Jesus when they provide food and medical care to their community,” she said in a statement. “As Christians, we are called by faith to feed the hungry and welcome the stranger.

La chiesa farà ricorso.

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