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Una guerra di solidarietà [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @Marta.

Quest’anno ricorrono i trent’anni della battaglia di Cuito Cuanavale, in cui i cubani si unirono agli angolani contro il regime sudafricano dell’Apartheid.

Jacobinmag ricorda l’evento:

Besides a decisive battle, Cuito Cuanavale also represents a climactic ending to Fidel Castro’s foreign policy in Africa, which between 1963 and 1991 witnessed an ambitious succession of interventions in seventeen countries, involving hundreds of thousands of Cuban soldiers, doctors, and social workers. While these ventures were imperfect, the overlap of both anniversaries offers the opportunity to contrast the sterile brutality of Western interventions with a striking tradition of internationalism.


Immagine: Klaus Bunks

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