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US World Cup win proves female players deserve equal pay, team says [EN]

US World Cup win proves female players deserve equal pay, team says [EN]

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A cura di @Anonimo.

A poche ore di distanza dalla vittoria dei mondiali femminili da parte degli USA , la controparte maschile perdeva per 1-0 la finale di Gold Cup contro il Messico.

L’immediato raffronto tra i risultati ottenuti ha riacceso le polemiche riguardo al gap salariale tra federazioni; su CNN le calciatrici USA rivendicano parità di trattamento per quel che riguarda le condizioni di gioco, allenamento e viaggi. A ciò si aggiunge la richiesta per l’uguaglianza nella promozione degli eventi e, ovviamente, uguali guadagni.

At this moment of tremendous pride for America, the sad equation remains all too clear, and Americans won’t stand for it anymore. These athletes generate more revenue and garner higher TV ratings but get paid less simply because they are women,” said Molly Levinson, spokeswoman for the USWNT players in their equal pay lawsuit.
It is time for the Federation to correct this disparity once and for all.

L’argomento era già stato analizzato in un long-form del The Washington Post, in cui oltre al confronto tra le cifre in gioco tra uomini e donne, si riportano numerosi interventi di atlete coinvolte nella diatriba.

“I have to do everything I have to do on the field. Then I have to do everything else to prove to you that that’s enough,” she said. “I have to somehow justify myself or convince you that what I just did was amazing. And I already just did it.”


“It’s wild, but I now have so many more skills than a lot of these male athletes because they don’t have to think about anything and they don’t think about anything!” said Rapinoe, a co-captain of the U.S. team. “From age 14 or 15, these guys are not thinking about, nor do they have to think about, anything other than being an amazing soccer player. That’s their job; that’s their sole focus.”

In many ways, the women’s soccer team’s “double-earn” mirrors the multiple roles and responsibilities that women shoulder in so many aspects of life as employees, managers, mothers and caregivers. So it’s no surprise that Rapinoe uses familiar rhetoric to describe the juggling act she and her teammates are performing.

“It’s exhausting,” she said.

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