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Cos’è il tradimento?

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L’idea di «tradimento» in una relazione è un concetto che evolve e si modifica nel tempo. Questo articolo del Sidney Morning Herald a firma Matty Silver si interroga proprio su questo tema:

we need to ask ourselves: what exactly is cheating? Flirting with a colleague at work? Having a massage with a happy ending? Having sex with your partner while fantasising about someone else? What about texting, sexting or sending naked pictures to friends who are not your partner?

Il mondo virtuale complica ulteriormente le cose:

We have the internet now and can have steamy chat-room conversations with strangers and cybersex with anyone who is keen. I have several clients who are taking part in this. They tell me there is no physical sexual contact, it’s exciting, it isn’t cheating, and nobody will find out.

But some studies suggest that online affairs can trigger emotional infidelity and, when discovered, can also trigger feelings of anger, jealousy and insecurity in the other partner.

Secondo l’articolo:

Nowadays, some therapists believe there are times when an affair can rescue a marriage or relationship and even make it stronger. Starting to understand how an affair happened can provide clarity and give answers to the many questions a couple may feel are still unanswered.

A corredo viene linkato un TED talk sul tema: Rethinking Infedelity.

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