Su suggerimento di @Cthulhu
Un articolo di Josh Strawn sul sito The Talkhouse analizza lo stato attuale dell’industria musicale in relazione a internet e ai social network.
I don’t think you can talk about what the Internet has done to the music industry without talking about Walter Benjamin’s famous essay Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. Yes, it’s Marxist critical theory; yes, the reading itself is a bit dense and it can sound stuffy to name-check German philosophers in regular conversation about the music biz. But the thing about theory is that, at its best, it can often be boiled down to a basic, digestible point. Have you ever felt the pang that buying a digital file is less fun or satisfying than buying a record? Most of us have. Benjamin gave us a language to describe why that is. He claimed that the more reproducible a work of art is, the less aura it has. Aura is basically the term he gave to the magical vibes you get from a unique work of art or performance.
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