un sito di notizie, fatto dai commentatori

Il social network che distribuisce milioni in denaro effimero [EN]

Il social network che distribuisce milioni in denaro effimero [EN]

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A cura di @NS3.

Steem è una altcoin, cioè una criptovaluta, che ha deciso di permettere agli editori di monetizzare i contenuti e far crescere le community ricompensando tramite frazioni di Steem i contenuti ritenuti “meritevoli”

Wired spiega la storia di questa criptovaluta:

Steemit, a nascent social media platform, is trying to change all that by rewarding its users with cold, hard cash in the form of a cryptocurrency. Everything that you do on Steemit—every post, every comment, and every like—translates to a fraction of a digital currency called Steem. Over time, as Steem accumulates, it can be cashed out for normal currency. (Or held, if you think Steem is headed for a bright future.)

According to Scott, Steemit boasts an “incredibly small” number of trolls, which he argues is because of the cash incentive. (It could also be due to the relatively small community, which includes around 350,000 registered accounts as of September.) “For the first time, there’s an opportunity cost to trolling,” says the cofounder. “Every second that someone spends trolling, they’re potentially damaging their reputation and preventing themselves from earning any Steem.” New users are also encouraged to introduce themselves to the community, and take a photo of their smiling face in order to verify their account, which may be a contributing factor: So far, it seems that anonymity is less prized on Steemit than on Reddit, where “throwaway” accounts are commonplace

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