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Cosa può fare la sinistra brasiliana? [EN+PT+FR]

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A cura di @erpi e @poterideboli.

Rosana Pinheiro-Machado spiega al giornale online The Intercept quali possono essere le speranze per il Partido dos Trabalhadores al secondo turno.

In Brazilian history, democracy has always been the exception. This is the first point that we have to remember when we think about Brazil: Democracy is very fragile and has very shallow roots in our culture.

People often speak of a “new conservative wave” or a “new Brazilian fascism,” ignoring the history, which has always been very conservative, has always been governed by whites, and has always had a violent and genocidal policy toward the rest of the population. So, yes, I’ll say: Well, we have something new, which is, in recent times, the phenomenal rise of Bolsonaro — phenomenal — and the wholesale reorganization of the right.

Globo ha pubblicato il primo sondaggio che in vista al ballottaggio del 28 ottobre conferma Bolsonaro in testa.

Le Monde riporta che il successo al primo turno del candidato di estrema destra ha causato un aumento delle violenze omofobe.

Immagine da Flickr.

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