un sito di notizie, fatto dai commentatori

Alla ricerca della leggenda di Uber, tra numeri veri e falsi

Alla ricerca della leggenda di Uber, tra numeri veri e falsi

1 commento

Su segnalazione di un ospite (ehi ospite, la prossima volta dicci chi sei!), un articolo da Slate.

Un’inchiesta sui salari effettivamente percepiti a New York dagli autisti di Uber, l’azienda che ha creato un sistema per la chiamata di auto con conducente e che è al centro di tante polemiche in Italia, e sulla loro corrispondenza con quanto dichiarato dalla società.

Of all of Uber's numbers, one is particularly important: $90,766. In a late-May post on its blog, Uber cited $90,766 as the median annual income of a driver for UberX in New York City. “UberX driver partners are small business entrepreneurs demonstrating across the country that being a driver is sustainable and profitable,” the company wrote. “In contrast, the nation's taxi drivers are often below the poverty line … so that wealthy taxi company owners can reap the benefits of drivers having no other option to make a living.” Uber was the heroic disrupter of those taxi companies, and $90,766 was its version of the American dream—proof that contract workers in the so-called sharing economy could do much more than just make ends meet. In recruiting drivers to its platform in New York and around the world, little has been more important than the glimmer of $90,766.

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