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Archeologia non umana

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Su suggerimento di @francisco quintay

Non è una novità che alcune specie di scimmie usino strumenti per procurarsi il cibo, tanto che alcuni ricercatori ritengono che esse siano entrate nell’età della pietra. Altri si sono spinti oltre e hanno cominciato a studiare l’archeologia di queste specie; ne parla in questo articolo il Los Angeles Times.

The 700 years old artifacts indicate a 100 generation tradition of tool use in capuchins. In human years, that would be the equivalent of roughly 2,500 years. And in those 100 generations, capuchin technology – unlike that of humans – hasn’t changed much. This suggests the monkeys have developed a close to optimal system, Hallam said. That is, it works well enough that they have no need for an upgrade. The age and consistency of the tools also tells us that they are very good at transmitting the behavior over and over again through the generations.

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