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Come governerà il Labour?

Come governerà il Labour?

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Pippa Crear su The Guardian delinea cosa aspettarsi da un governo laburista in Regno Unito.

The first hours are intended to set the tone for the new government. Those closest to Starmer say that, unlike some of his more showy predecessors, he’s not performative. “It’s not politics as spectacle. It’s politics designed to get better outcomes,” says one insider.

As director of public prosecutions, one of Starmer’s proudest reforms was to replace paper files with digital ones. It may not have created many headlines, but it sped up the criminal justice process and meant fewer files were lost.

His focus on simply doing what works is also likely to be at the heart of his Labour administration if the party takes power this week. Taken in isolation, some measures may not seem particularly ambitious, even a little dull. But his team insist they will be the building blocks that create something substantial.


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