Su suggerimento di Lady Bathory
Appiccicare ai propri avversari politici etichette generiche, facendo di tutta l’erba un fascio, ottiene il solo risultato di radicalizzare gli avversari. E’ il caso della retorica di sinistra nei confronti del termine”alt-right” usato sempre più estensivamete, sostiene Conor Friedendorf per Atlantic
The left should stop promiscuously labeling popular figures as ideologically diverse as Sam Harris and Ben Shapiro as members of the alt-right. Doing so is wrong simply because it is inaccurate. And strategically, if you want the term to retain any stigma, you could hardly do a dumber thing than expanding its scope to inaptly include very popular figures. Their fans will sooner conclude that they cannot trust the mainstream to apply the label, or that it doesn’t mean anything, or that they must be alt-right if it definitionally includes someone who likes Harris or Shapiro, than abandon commentators to whom they’re drawn.
Immagine: Torbakhopper
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