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Come sono stati letti i rotoli di Ercolano

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Tomas Weber su Scientific American illustra il processo che ha portato a leggere dei papiri carbonizzati.

Della scoperta se n è già parlato su Hookii, Weber si concentra su il come e il perché si sia arrivati a provare questi metodi

Seales flew home to discuss the idea with the other members of his laboratory. “We don’t want to be stupid and just give away all this work we’ve done,” said Stephen Parsons, a digital-restoration researcher who was finishing up a Ph.D. thesis on the lab’s work. At the same time, they had more ideas than they could reasonably try out by themselves. More people grappling with the problem would make it more likely the scrolls would be read, which was their ultimate goal. It was settled. They would open the project to the world. Friedman struggled to contain his enthusiasm. “Working on a very exciting and weird new side project,” he wrote on Twitter (now X). “Kind of a lifelong dream type thing.”

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