Su suggerimento di @banshee.
Puoi voler fare una brillante carriera come pop star.
Puoi essere musulmano.
Ma quanto più alta è la tua visibilità, tanto più sembra inevitabile essere usato come argomento di polemica per l’una o l’altra cosa. Il Guardian dedica un articolo a Zayn Malik, ex-One Direction, che è stato spesso attaccato tanto dai musulmani più conservatori quanto da razzisti di vario stampo.
The obsessive discussion around Malik’s religious identity highlights how the media continues to simplify and stereotype Muslim identity. These normative views – predicated by both Muslims and non-Muslims alike – force Malik into a box he never asked to be placed in. Most media seem to only understand him within those constraints, so that anything he does in public, any stance he takes, any music he performs, any beard he decides to grow, will always be portrayed as a direct result of not his personal choices, but his degree of Muslim-ness.
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