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Gli accordi commerciali USA stanno attirando i produttori di auto [EN]

Gli accordi commerciali USA stanno attirando i produttori di auto [EN]

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A cura di @Temp.

Il WSJ riporta (link alternativo) che il nuovo accordo commerciale tra USA, Messico e Canada renderebbe conveniente per le case automobilistiche spostare la produzione nel Nord America per evitare i dazi.

Within days of the U.S. and Canada reaching a pact to replace the roughly 25-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement, executives at several foreign car makers said they are considering changes to their supply chains that would result in more auto-parts manufacturing in the U.S., Canada and Mexico.
“We will allocate more U.S. production for the U.S. market,” BMW CEO Harald Krüger told reporters at the Paris Motor Show this week. He said the German car maker already sources many parts in the region, but the new trade pact will accelerate a shift in investment.

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