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Gli esseri umani sono stati carnivori per due milioni di anni [EN]

Gli esseri umani sono stati carnivori per due milioni di anni [EN]

184 commenti

Phys.org riporta i risultati di uno studio condotto dall’Università di Tel Aviv che dimostrarebbe come gli umani siano stati superpredatori per due milioni di anni prima di diventare onnivori come conseguenza della scarsità di prede.

“Our study addresses a very great current controversy—both scientific and non-scientific,” says Prof. Barkai. “For many people today, the Paleolithic diet is a critical issue, not only with regard to the past, but also concerning the present and future. It is hard to convince a devout vegetarian that his/her ancestors were not vegetarians, and people tend to confuse personal beliefs with scientific reality. Our study is both multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary. We propose a picture that is unprecedented in its inclusiveness and breadth, which clearly shows that humans were initially apex predators, who specialized in hunting large animals. As Darwin discovered, the adaptation of species to obtaining and digesting their food is the main source of evolutionary changes, and thus the claim that humans were apex predators throughout most of their development may provide a broad basis for fundamental insights on the biological and cultural evolution of humans.”

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