un sito di notizie, fatto dai commentatori

Gli imprenditori vogliono licenziare i lavoratori senza che questi li svergognino su TikTok

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Bloomberg commenta i casi di pubblicazione sui social media come TikTok delle modalità con cui alcuni datori di lavoro in USA hanno licenziato i dipendenti, i quali  hanno poi sfruttato la popolarità del mezzo per evidenziare la asserita ingiustizia del trattamento.
Queste novità sociali hanno indotto altri imprenditori a creare imprese specializzate nel trattamento di queste situazioni.

Fear of social-media backlash has executives, especially from smaller tech firms that don’t have big HR operations, looking for advice on how to lay people off without it blowing up in their faces. Onwards HR, a startup specializes in layoff logistics, says its customer base grew 300 per cent last year…

…customers want more than just technology, Rodehorst said. They want step-by-step guidance on how to have tough conversations with people who are being let go. Rodehorst tells her clients that they should allow every laid-off worker the opportunity to meet with their manager to ask questions. Meticulous planning is another non-negotiable…

… Rohrer and her team advised managers on how to deliver the news over Zoom — use a natural, warm and empathetic tone of voice — and what to do if the conversation got contentious. They had scripts prepared for different situations and different reactions.

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