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I Britannici e il libero mercato, la fine di una lunga storia d’amore? [EN]

40 commenti

A cura di @cocomeraio.

Ai tempi di Thatcher e Blair sembrava intoccabile, ma ora entrambi i grandi partiti si allontanano dal concetto di capitalismo senza limiti. Anzi, dice Andy Beckett sul Guardian, in nessuna democrazia c’è stato un cambio di visione così netto come in Gran Bretagna.

Nell’ultima campagna elettorale si potevano leggere frasi come

“aggressive asset-stripping” of British companies by foreign buyers; “perverse pricing” by privatised rail companies; “exploitative” markets in energy, property, insurance and telecommunications; and “the remuneration of some corporate leaders … [which] has risen far faster than some corporate performance”.

e discorsi volutamente antithatcheriani come

“We reject the cult of selfish individualism,”… We do not believe in untrammelled free markets.” We would “enhance workers’ rights and protections”, and create an “economy that works for everyone”. The obvious implication was that the free market had created the opposite.

Provenienti, per giunta, dal manifesto del partito conservatore.

Immagine da MaxPixel.

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